Remy, our sweet Great Dane puppy, is settling in well. Oregon agrees with him 🙂 What is really surprising is that VooDoo, our Mantle Merle Great Dane girl, absolutely LOVES him and is very very gentle with him. Doolin, our retired Great Dane show dog, wants absolutely nothing to do with him. Doolin’s attitude is that Remy is too small and breakable, so he just does his best to stay away. Remy of course chases Doolin all over the house, couldn’t be cuter!
GCHB Paxton’s Live Long and Prosper – Zefram – earns his CGC and TKN titles
Read more about Zefram on his page. Zefram was a rock star today even with a ton of distractions at the Clackamas Kennel Club dog show in the very pretty Clackamas Event Center grounds. He passed both his Community Good Canine (CGC) test and his Trick Dog Novice (TKN) so…