Doolin awarded Winners Dog in Klamath Oregon Dog Show
Doolin and I had a wonderful time at the dog show in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Doolin was once again handled by Karen Hamlin. She handles Doolin beautifully and he added another point toward his Championship
By going to dog shows, I’ve traveled to many locations in Oregon, Washington and California that I wouldn’t otherwise have gone to. Although the traffic on I5, the main North South highway going through Oregon, Washington and California, is becoming much heavier, I still really enjoy my trips. Dog shows are held in expo centers. Oftentimes the Exp centers are just off the freeway. Other times the Expo Center is in the middle of nowhere surrounding by cornfields or dairy cows. I remember going to a show and when the GPS said we were there, it was just a corn field. Fortunately I saw a sign pointing where to go. I love the West Coast.